
Charlotte Honour, Level 3 Pilates Student

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the course. I love the way it has been delivered and I love your way of thinking – that each body is different; work with it in its natural form. I had a ballet teacher from America who was very much of the same opinion and was always questioning, ‘why do it like this when you could do it like that?’ etc. I think it takes a while for people to come round to that way of thinking; the British especially are very used to being regimented in their approach, it’s refreshing to find someone who questions it to get better results, and is open to teaching in that way.

Big respect for Marie-Claire, her knowledgeable teacher training, the course was great….. it has given me some really useful extras to incorporate into each of the various levels of classes I teach. Tracey, Mini Balls Course

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Email: marieclaire@themovementspecialist.co.uk

Tel: 07919 286419

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