
Tanja Foy-Book Purchase

“I attended a course with Marie-Claire 3 years ago and have since then have attended several more.  She’s exceptionally knowledgable about the human body and it’s always a pleasure learning more from her.  I will now not attend any courses if they are not run by her.  I have also just purchased her book and this book should be given to all Pilates and Yoga Teachers – it is honestly very well written and the explanations just make you go aaah now I understand!.”  

Big respect for Marie-Claire, her knowledgeable teacher training, the course was great….. it has given me some really useful extras to incorporate into each of the various levels of classes I teach. Tracey, Mini Balls Course

Get In Touch

Email: marieclaire@themovementspecialist.co.uk

Tel: 07919 286419

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The Movement Specialist