
Therapeutic/Fitness Yoga Lessons – Private Classes


Therapeutic/Fitness Yoga Lessons
(privately or as a duo)

£40 for 1 Hour | £35 45 Minutes | £30 30 minutes

Block booking: 6 sessions at the Movement Specialist Studio for only £180.

Block booking Yoga Duos: 6 sessions in your own home or a venue to be arranged for only £180.

For more information on classes and instructors please call Marie-Claire on 07919 286419 or email marieclaire@themovementspecialist.co.uk.


All block bookings must be fully paid for in advance. Refunds are not issued on block bookings for either private or group sessions.

Big respect for Marie-Claire, her knowledgeable teacher training, the course was great….. it has given me some really useful extras to incorporate into each of the various levels of classes I teach. Tracey, Mini Balls Course

Get In Touch

Email: marieclaire@themovementspecialist.co.uk

Tel: 07919 286419

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The Movement Specialist