
Stephanie Gatens – Fitness Manager

‘Brilliant work shop yesterday thanks Marie Claire, as always we all really enjoyed it getting everyone together to also share ideas etc for teaching and we have loads to take away with new ideas to include in our class plans as well as for using in our own Pilates sessions. As we joked afterwards – you have all of this Pilates info & knowledge in your head that you feel compelled to share/need an outlet for & we enjoy you off loading it onto us ..so win win all round! Looking forward to the next one already! Let’s get a date in the diary!’

Big respect for Marie-Claire, her knowledgeable teacher training, the course was great….. it has given me some really useful extras to incorporate into each of the various levels of classes I teach. Tracey, Mini Balls Course

Get In Touch

Email: marieclaire@themovementspecialist.co.uk

Tel: 07919 286419

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The Movement Specialist